
This is a boilerplate template repository for beginners, specifically designed for .NET API development, using the example of the simple Todo backend application. It follows a clean architecture pattern to ensure a well-structured codebase.

Primary LanguageC#


This is a boilerplate template repository for beginners, specifically designed for .NET API development, using the example of the simple Todo backend application. It follows a clean architecture pattern to ensure a well-structured codebase.

TaskTracker is ASP.NET Core WebAPI project. .NET6 version


  • Ability to create / view / edit / delete information about projects
  • Ability to create / view / edit / delete task information
  • Ability to add and remove tasks from a project (one project can contain several tasks)
  • Ability to view all tasks in the project


Project requires .NET v6+ to run.

Install the dependencies and start the server using Docker

git clone https://github.com/effuone/TaskTracker.Api.git
cd TaskTracker
touch .env

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file





Run project

docker-compose up