A coding challenge solution for iOS 12.
Given the following task
As a user, I want to see which country I’m currently in from the app and in the today widget. Additionally I should be able to search for a country using free text, capital city or language code sorted closest/furthest to my current location.
API specification for search: https://restcountries.eu/#api-endpoints For flag image Flagpedia can be used in this format: http://flagpedia.net/data/flags/normal/{{country code}}.png e.g. for Germany: http://flagpedia.net/data/flags/normal/de.png
- As I open the app a list of countries should be shown from closest to furthest depending on my current location.
- I should be able to search for a country by:
- name
- capital city
- language
- I should get the result in a list, which shows me the name of the country, picture of the flag (if present), population and area size
- I should have access to the current country information from anywhere in the app.
- I should be able to see the current country information in the today widget
- Current country information I need to see:
- Full name
- Flag
- Population
- Capital
- Region
- Regional blocks
- Language
- Currency
Flagpedia seemed to be unreliable for some country codes, also it seemed to forward me to non TLS-pages, so I went with countryflags.io. Their API returns 64px only but it does the job. I also thought about just using emojis but I guess you want to see how I handle image loading ;-)
I used CLGeocoder for the current user location because of reliability issues (see my remark in CountryService.swift)
the search results are not necessarily ordered by distance. Using a predicate driven search would be more interesting and a next step of improvement.
in another next step the order navbar item could be replaced by an alphabetical ordering button when no location is available (instead ob being useless).
the current country only shows the first language in a collection of languages, same with the currency.
the app is not internationalized.
I partially covered one class to show possible tests and a rough approach to how I test.
all errors happen silently at this point with debug messages at most.
when it comes to localizing the device the widget is quite sluggish.
There is always room for improvement but I think I would’ve easily gotten overboard since this task was comprehensive for a coding challenge as it is, however the given specs should be satisfied but it is not a final product though. Some of the mentioned points are stages where the specs do not describe the correct approach. Within a development/product team those would be issues raised directly to the PO/PM or UIXD for further discussion.
- the today widget does not change the state correctly
The challenge solution has been implemented for iOS 12 in Swift 5.
Copyright (c) 2019 Andre Hoffmann - Released under the MIT license.