Eficode Technical Task

This task involves the deployment of infrastructure using automation tools, updating system software, and configuring access for end users.


This task is aimed to test skills and knowledge on the following topics:

  • Git and Gitlab: You should be familiar with Git for forking the repository, creating branches, and submitting pull requests. Knowledge of Gitlab is also required for configuring and updating the instance.

  • SSH Key Management: You should understand how to generate an SSH key pair, including the public and private keys.

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Basic knowledge of Infrastructure as Code tools such as Terraform or Ansible is required. You should be able to understand and manage the infrastructure configuration.

  • System Administration: You should have experience with Linux system administration, including connecting to remote servers using SSH, performing system updates, and software installation.

  • Load Balancing: Familiarity with load balancing concepts and tools are necessary to configure the access for end users.

  • Security Best Practices: Adherence to security best practices is critical, especially when working with SSH, sensitive data, and infrastructure management.

Task Overview

SSH Key Submission

Submit your SSH public key via eficrypto to your contact person.


The infrastructure includes two servers: Nginx and GitLab. The Nginx server has a public IP address, while the GitLab server does not. SSH Access for both machines are opened and will accept the submitted SSH Key for managing them.

Software Updates

Update the Ubuntu 20 server (Nginx) to Ubuntu 22. Update the GitLab server from version 15.11 to 16.

GitLab SSH Cloning

Configure the infrastructure to allow end users to clone Git repositories using SSH.

Gitlab runner configuration

Enable a Gitlab runner to the instance and configure it to run on appropriate machine. Add a job that will build a container and store it into Gitlab Container Registry.

Gitlab Pages configuration

Enable a Gitlab Pages to the instance and configure it to run on appropriate machine. Add a job that will build a static website and store it into Gitlab Pages. Add a custom domain support to Gitlab and if you don't own a DNS send a examiner a request for DNS configuration and we will add a CNAME based on your request.


Draw an networking and logical architecture of the system you built. Document the process and automate the maintenance to proper level.

Helpful links

https://nginx.org/en/docs/ https://docs.gitlab.com/


If you encounter any issues or have questions, please reach out to the designated support contact for this task.