Weather app - Frontend developer challenge

There was a beautiful idea of building an app that would show the upcoming weather. The developers wrote a nice backend and a frontend following the latest principles and - to be honest - bells and whistles. However, the developers did not have time to finish the frontend. Your task is to continue where they left of or create your own frontend.


  • Docker and docker-compose installed on your machine
  • An openweathermap API key (by default it is set in docker-compose.yml)

Returning your solution

  1. Create a private GitHub or GitLab repository. DON’T make it public.
  2. Make changes, commit them, and push them to your own repository.
  3. Create a .zip -package including the .git-directory, but excluding the node_modules-directories.
  4. Send us the archive.

How to run backend and demo frontend

  1. Go and get API key from
  2. Open docker-compose.yml file and replace APPID variable value with your API key
  3. Run command line command docker-compose up -d
  4. The service is now up and running!


Choosing the frontend framework

One of the first decisions you have to make is to choose a frontend framework to redesign the frontend. The goal is to build a new, modern, fast and reliable frontend app to serve all of our current and future users. Popular choices are:

  • React
  • Vue
  • Angular
  • Some other framework of you preference

Note that you can delete the existing demo frontend made with React if you choose to implement your application with Vue, Angular or something totally different. Be sure to include clear instructions on how to run your application. Sticking to docker-compose is highly advisable.

Frontend feature wishlist

The application should display the current weather as an icon as well as current temperature, humidity and air pressure

  • It should probably report the forecast e.g. a few hours from now. (tip: openweathermap api and existing methods in the backend)
  • The demo frontend app currently reports the weather only for Helsinki. Shouldn't it check the browser location and use that as the reference for making a forecast? (tip: geolocation)
  • Think of UI and UX. How could our service stand out from the vast amount of other weather service sites and, at the same time, be as user-friendly and intuitive as possible?


Test automation is key in developing good quality applications. Finding bugs in early stages of development is valuable in any software development project. With Robot Framework you can create integration tests that also serve as feature descriptions, making them exceptionally useful.

  • Create automated tests for the application. (tip: mocha)
  • Create Robot Framework integration tests. Hint: Start by creating a third container that gives expected weather data and direct the backend queries there by redefining the MAP_ENDPOINT.


Good documentation benefits everyone.

  • Remember to update the README
  • Use descriptive names and add comments in the code when necessary