- A rails app, built from scratch that should contain:
- A table with these states from Brazil: Paraná, Santa Catarina, and the Rio Grande do Sul
- A table with some cities from Parana, Santa Catarina, and the Rio Grande do Sul (at least 3 of each state)
- A route to retrieve all cities based on some received params: State, Part of the name
- A frontend to display all cities that match with the search.
- A test suite for this scenario
- This app should be written with ruby version 2.7.0 and Rails version 5.x
- This app should run in a docker container with docker-compose
- Rubocop to make sure your code follows the standards
Step by step:
Linux: Clone this repository and enter in your folder:
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER .
Docker and docker compose must be installed:
docker compose build && docker compose up
You just type in the name of the city you're curious about and choose the state you want to explore. It's like a map that instantly shows you all places in that area
Practical example: