
Primary LanguageC


Our Cub3D


  • Collaborative Software Development with Git: Advanced use of Git for version control, team collaboration, and effective conflict resolution.
  • C Programming: Implementation of complex software architecture in C, memory management, code optimization, and adherence to coding standards.
  • 3D Rendering with Ray-Casting: Mastery of advanced ray-casting techniques to simulate realistic 3D environments from 2D data.
  • Use of MinilibX: Integration of a low-level graphics library for real-time graphical rendering.
  • File Parsing and Management: Analysis and processing of .cub configuration files for dynamic 3D scene generation.
  • Optimization and Performance: Optimization of graphical rendering and algorithms to ensure smooth user experience.
  • System Event Handling: Implementation of window management and user event handling for intuitive user interaction.
  • Testing and Debugging: Development of rigorous testing strategies and efficient error resolution to ensure software reliability.

Project Overview

Cub3D, developed in C with MinilibX, draws inspiration from classic first-person shooters like Wolfenstein 3D. It immerses users in a 3D maze environment using ray-casting for real-time rendering. Project challenges included parsing scene descriptions, rendering textured walls, implementing player movement controls, and efficient window management, and as a bonus a small 2D minimap, for localize you in the maze.

This project is the sequel to a first successful collaboration between Stephane Payeur and myself — apparently lightning does strike twice! — showcasing our ability to deliver outstanding outcomes ;).


  • Real-time 3D Rendering: Utilizes ray-casting to display a 3D perspective within a maze environment.
  • Texture Mapping: Differentiates walls based on cardinal directions (North, South, East, West) using specified textures.
  • Player Controls: Allows movement (forward, backward, strafe) and camera rotation (left, right) via keyboard inputs.
  • Dynamic Window Management: Handles window events such as minimizing, restoring, and closing smoothly.


  • Makefile: Compilation and project organization.
  • PixelTexturePack/: Organized texture pack by type.
  • basic.cub: A map file to use with the executable.
  • includes/: header file cub3d.h.
  • libft/: Library with utility functions in C.
  • miniLibX/: MiniLibX for window management and rendering.
  • srcs/: Project source code, organized into functional modules.


  1. Installation

Ensure MinilibX is installed along with required system libraries:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libxext-dev
    sudo apt-get install libbsd-dev
  1. Compilation

Compile the project using the provided Makefile:

  1. Execution

Run the program with a .cub file specifying the map:

./cub3D path_to_your_map.cub


Escape exit cleanly Left Arrow: Rotate left
Right Arrow: Rotate right
W: Move forward
S: Move backward
A: Move left
D: Move right
