
Code to run hippocampus segmentation networks. The dataset and trained models are not public.

Primary LanguagePython



Ab300 Subject 009

Manual Automatic


This segmentation package was tested with python 3.7. Other python 3 versions may work as well.
Several python packages are required. You can install them using the requirements.txt file included in the repository.
Just run the following command: pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt.

Note: Depending on how your system is configured, you may have to specify pip3 and python3 to use python 3 instead of python 2.


The current implementation requires that the dataset is organized into a certain folder structure.
All subjects must have their own folder:


and the niftiis for the mean DWI, FA, and MD must be present in each folder


The file name must match exactly, but the extension does not matter.


usage: run_segmentation.py [-h] [--device DEVICE] [--out_folder OUT_FOLDER]
                           [--keep_isolated_components] [--keep_holes]
                           [--lateral_uniformity] [--output_raw_probabilities]
                           model_path dataset_path output_filename

positional arguments:
  model_path            Path to the model.
  dataset_path          Path to the subjects data folders.
  output_filename       File name for segmentation output. Can specify .nii or
                        .nii.gz if compression is desired.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --device DEVICE       PyTorch device to use. Set to 'cpu' if there are
                        issues with gpu usage. A specific gpu can be selected
                        using 'cuda:0' or 'cuda:1' on a multi-gpu machine.
  --out_folder OUT_FOLDER
                        Redirect all output to a folder. Otherwise, the output
                        will be placed in each subjects folder.
                        Don't remove isolated components in the post
                        processing pipeline. (on by default)
  --keep_holes          Don't remove holes in the post processing pipeline.
                        (on by default)
  --lateral_uniformity  Make HBT ROIs uniform on the lateral axis.
                        Output the raw probabilties from the network instead
                        of converting them to a segmentation map

Example usage:

python run_segmentation.py "E:/models/whole_model.pt" "E:/Datasets/Diffusion_MRI/Subjects/" whole_pred.nii.gz
python run_segmentation.py "E:/models/hbt_model.pt" "E:/Datasets/Diffusion_MRI/Subjects/" hbt_pred.nii.gz --out_folder "E:/Datasets/Diffusion_MRI/HBT_Predictions/"