
A library in python to get your external IP from sites around the internet

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A generic library in python to get your external IP from sites around the internet in a consistent manner. Using zopes interfaces, allows the user to create their own sources. Features time-based caching, multi-source verification and other features.

Using IP Providers

IP providers are the high-level interfaces to IPSources. They allow the user an abstraction from the source provider and in fact allow them to use multiple sources transparently.

By default all providers cache a response from one hour (3600 seconds) and will self-invalidate in the event that time passes or the users requests an additional information key that is not present in the current cache.

Note: because different sources return different supplement information to the IP address, the users must know the key for which they're looking in order to make use of the information. This is one of the rougher edges of the code base because it is on the boundary of the intended scope. If you need a feature, please ask for it.


The standard IPProvider checks a single source, provides and caches the answer.

    In [1]: import echoip
    In [2]: import echoip.sources
    In [3]: import echoip.providers
    In [4]: source_factory = echoip.sources.IPSourceFactory()
    In [5]: provider = echoip.providers.IPProvider()
    In [6]: for source in source_factory.get_sources():
       ...:     provider.add_source(source)
    In [7]: provider.get_ip()
    Out[7]: IPv4Address('')


Type:            type
String form:     <class 'echoip.providers.IPProvider'>
Init definition: echoip.providers.IPProvider(self, source_list=None, cache_ttl=3600)
Init docstring:
The IPProvider takes one or more IPSources and returns the results from them . If one
provider does not respond it will move on to the next. It ensures that the age of the
response on no older than the cache_ttl.

:param source_list: The list of sources to bootstrap the provider with
:type source_list: list of IIPSource providers
:param cache_ttl: the seconds the ip cache remains valid
:type cache_ttl: int

Some sources choose to provide additional information (like GeoIP information). That information is marshalled into a single dictionary based and can be retrieved by get_info():

    In [8]: provider.get_info()
    {u'city': u'Keb',
     u'country': u'CO',
     u'loc': u'27.6355,-22.3235'}

Further documenation:


The MultipleSourceIPProvider checks with multiple sources. If and only if min_source_agreement (constructor parameter) sources agree on the IP address is the answer cached.

Note: The IP is cached. The additional info from the sources are combined into a single dictionary. Duplicate keys are overwritten in a non-deterministic fashion. This provider is mostly useful for when you are distrustful of the IP results.

The provider is used the exact same way.

    In [1]: import echoip
    In [2]: import echoip.sources
    In [3]: import echoip.providers
    In [4]: source_factory = echoip.sources.IPSourceFactory()
    In [5]: provider = echoip.providers.MultisourceIPProvider
    In [6]: for source in source_factory.get_sources():
       ...:     provider.add_source(source)
    In [7]: provider.get_ip()
    Out[7]: IPv4Address('')


Type:            type
String form:     <class 'echoip.providers.MultisourceIPProvider'>
File:            /Users/eflee/Development/pyechoip/src/echoip/providers.py
Init definition: echoip.providers.MultisourceIPProvider(self, source_list=None, cache_ttl=3600, min_source_agreement=2)
Init docstring:
The IPProvider takes one or more IPSources and returns the results from them if the minimum number of sources
are in agreement regard the external IP.
Additional info from multiple providers is extended into one dictionary.
If one provider does not respond it will move on to the next. It ensures that the age of the
response on no older than the cache_ttl.

:param source_list: The list of sources to bootstrap the provider with
:type source_list: list of IIPSource providers
:param cache_ttl: the seconds the ip cache remains valid
:param min_source_agreement: The minimum number of source that must be in agreement for an ip_fetch
:type min_source_agreement: int

Further documenation:

Using IP Sources

IPSources are the low-level interface to the library. There is no caching for IPSources and the only validation is the returned IP address.

There are two (as of now) basic types: SimpleIPSources and JSONIPSources which seem to be the two most common interface types for the publicly available services.

In addition to IPSources there is an IPSourceFactory that can generate configured sources for the list of built-ins below.

Finally, there is an IIPSource interface for implementing customer sources.

IIPSource (Interface)

I want to cover this in brief, this is the interface for implementing custom sources. It is rather simple: the source must provide an ip attribute and an info attribute.

The ip attribute is the ipaddress.IPv4Address or ipaddress.IPv6Address (py2-ipaddress for Python2 or ipaddress for Python3) encapsulated ip address returned from the API.

The info attribute is a key-value dictionary for all other results returned from the API. There is no additional guarantees of cleanliness or format and this varries from source to source.


The SimpleIPSource handles sites like curlmyip.com that return only an string IP. The class simply strips the whitespace from the string and validates it by instantiating it as an IPAddress.

    In [1]: import echoip.sources
    In [2]: source = echoip.sources.SimpleIPSource('http://curlmyip.com/')
    In [3]: source.ip
    Out[3]: IPv4Address('')

The info attribute on this IPSource type is always empty.


The JSONIPSource handles sites like ip-api.com that provide a more complete API (obviousely a JSON API). The class takes a json key to select the IP and then uses the same validation as the SimpleIPSource class. All other results returned by the API are boxed into a dict that is returned by the info attribute.

    In [1]: import echoip.sources
    In [2]: source = echoip.sources.JSONIPSource('http://ip-api.com/json', 'query')
    In [3]: source.ip
    Out[3]: IPv4Address('')
    In [4]: source.info
    {u'city': u'Keb',
     u'country': u'CO',
     u'loc': u'27.6355,-22.3235'}


The IPSourceFactory is a utility class that has two purposes. One, it allows the user to create instances based on their own resources using the provided source types. Two, it allows the user to instantiate with all of the built-in sites.

Instantiating with custom resources:

    In [1]: import echoip.sources
    In [2]: fac = echoip.sources.IPSourceFactory(use_builtins=False)
    In [3]: fac.add_source(echoip.sources.SimpleIPSource, '')
    In [4]: fac.add_source(echoip.sources.JSONIPSource, '', 'ip')
    In [5]: fac.num_sources
    Out[5]: 2
    In [6]: [ src for src in fac.get_sources() ]
    [<echoip.sources.SimpleIPSource at 0x10bb5d390>,
    <echoip.sources.JSONIPSource at 0x10bb5d3d0>]

Instantiation with built-ins (default):

    In [1]: import echoip.sources
    In [2]: fac = echoip.sources.IPSourceFactory()
    In [3]: fac.num_sources
    Out[3]: 14
    In [4]: [ src for src in fac.get_sources() ]
    [<echoip.sources.JSONIPSource at 0x102f6b510>,
    <echoip.sources.JSONIPSource at 0x102f6b550>,
    <echoip.sources.JSONIPSource at 0x102f6b590>,
    <echoip.sources.SimpleIPSource at 0x102f6b850>]

Built-in Sources

Users of this library who choose to use the default sources are subject to the terms and limitations of those sources and are responsible for their conduct when using these services.

List of Sources and their Maintainters