
Implements API to generate similar music artists based on user input.

Primary LanguageJava


Small GIF

Do you want to enchance your music playlists or find new artists based on your current favorites?

  • This program uses the Last.fm API to retrieve similar artists based on user input.
  • It implements web scraping to gather data from the API.
  • The program formats the user input and sends a request to the Last.fm API.
  • The response is processed as JSON and the similar artists are extracted.

What I Learned:

  • How to implement basic web scraping techniques.
  • How to use an API to retrieve data from a web service.
  • How to format user input and include it in an API request URL.
  • How to handle HTTP connections and send GET requests.
  • How to process JSON responses and extract relevant data.
  • How to iterate over a JSON array and retrieve specific values.
  • How to handle API request failures and display appropriate error messages.

Sample Output:

Screen Shot 2023-05-19 at 5 15 03 PM

~* Analysis *~
Created: 05/19/23
Status: Active (intened on expanding program and formatting output to be more organized.)