This package helps to generate posterior samples using Gibbs sampling algorithm from a specified multivariate probability distribution when direct sampling is difficult. This Julia package supports MH, HMC and NUTS based algorithms with different automatic differentiation backends.
#use packages
using GibbsSampler
using Distributions
#define MCMC samplers
alg = [MH(), adHMC()]
#define sample_alg parameter
sample_alg = Dict(
:n_grp => 2,
1 => Dict(
:type => :ind,
:n_vars => 2,
1 => Dict(
:proposal => MvNormal(zeros(2),1.0),
:n_eles => 2,
:alg => 1
2 => Dict(
:proposal => Normal(0.0,1.0),
:n_eles => 1,
:alg => 1
2 => Dict(
:type => :dep,
:n_vars => 2,
:alg => 2,
1 => Dict(
:proposal => MvNormal(zeros(3),1.0),
:n_eles => 3
2 => Dict(
:proposal => Normal(0.0,1.0),
:n_eles => 1
#define prior distribution
prior = [MvNormal([1.0,2.0],1.0),Normal(2.0,1.0), MvNormal([2.0,4.0,3.0],1.0),Normal(-1.0,1.0)]
param_names = ["α", "β", "γ", "δ"]
#define logjoint function
logJoint(params) = sum(logpdf.(prior, params))
chn = gibbs(alg, sample_alg, logJoint, itr = 10000, chain_type = :mcmcchain, param_names = param_names)