
final-project-tagflix created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript



to load the frontend use the url


How to get api working:

make sure you have node js and node package manager installed if you do not have nodemon installed paste: npm install -g nodemon

using command line or terminal:

  1. navigate to backend folder
  2. type npm install this will install all of our dependencies
  3. type nodemon server You should recieve a message saying listening on port 5000
  4. go to http://localhost:5000/api/v1/movies/

This should display an array of movie objects sorted by most recent year

api commands:

This api will only show 20 movies at a time to see the next page of movies use


To only get movies within a certain year range use the command:


To find movies above a certain IMDB rating use:


To search movies by title use:

Note: for multiple words use _ or spaces


To search movies by genre use:

Note: for multiple genres use _ between each genre


To search movies by tag use:

Note: for multiple tags use _ between each tags


Return an array listing all the genres:


Return an array listing all the tags:


Pull the most recent reviews:


how to use the review api:

NOTE for testing this I reccomend Insomnia : https://insomnia.rest/

use the url http://localhost:5000/api/v1/movies/review

to post a review send a post request with the json fomatted like so:

	"movie_id": "<mongoDB_movie_ID>",
	"text": "<the_review>",
	"user_id": "<your_user_ID>",
	"name": "<your_user_name>"

to update a review send a put request with the json fomatted like so:

NOTE: must be the name and user_id of the person who posted the review

	"review_id": "<mongoDB_movie_ID>",
	"text": "<the_review>",
	"user_id": "<your_user_ID>",
	"name": "<your_user_name>"

to delete a review send a delete request to the url:

NOTE: must be the name and user_id of the person who posted the review


with the json fomatted like so:

	"user_id": "<your_user_ID>"

to recieve all reviews for a particular movie:

send a get request to: http://localhost:5000/api/v1/movies/id/<MongoDB_movie_id>

To update the tags of a movie

send a put request to:


with the json fomatted like so:

	"movie_id": "<mongoDB_movie_ID>",
	"tags": ["<tag_1>", "<tag_2>", "<tag_n>"]

Note this will only update the database with tags that are not already in the array.

Adding a new movie to the database

send a post request to:


with the json fomatted like so:

	"title": "<your_title>",
	"plot": "<your_plot>",
	"genres": ["<genre_1>", "<genre_2>", "<genre_n>"],
	"year": <your_year>,
	"poster": "<image_addresss>",
	"tags": ["<tag_1>", "<tag_n>"],
	"directors": ["<Name>"],
	"rated": "<MPAA_rating>"

Note this will only update the database with tags that are not already in the array.