
Terraform module to run Discourse in Amazon ECS

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Terraform module to run Discourse in Amazon ECS

This module creates all the AWS resources required to run Discourse in Amazon ECS using Fargate, Amazon RDS (Aurora-PostgreSQL), Amazon ElastiCache (Redis), Amazon EFS, Amazon EC2 Application Load Balancer and Amazon CloudWatch Logs. It uses the Bitnami's Discourse Docker images.

The module assumes you already have a VPC, some subnets (ideally private), a Route53 Zone and a valid certificate in ACM.


The module has many variable (see inputs sections), but at least the following must be defined:

module "discourse" {
  source              = "git@github.com:efoncubierta/discourse-ecs"

  # AWS configuration
  vpc_id              = "vpc-04813d7d"
  subnet_ids          = ["subnet-71cef313", "subnet-9d116fa7", "subnet-f1461deb"]
  alb_certificate_arn = "arn:aws:acm:eu-west-1:853987415214:certificate/869f15e1-1a99-4a36-a979-10e018173a88"
  route53_zone_id     = "Z03948053J934YYLDAGCT"

  # Discourse configuration
  discourse_version   = "2.5.2"
  discourse_hostname  = "discourse.cloudverse.io"
  discourse_email     = "discourse@cloudverse.io"
  discourse_username  = "admin"
  smtp_auth           = "login"
  smtp_host           = "email-smtp.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com"
  smtp_port           = 587
  smtp_user           = "***"
  smtp_password       = "***"
  smtp_tls            = "yes"


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13


Name Version
aws n/a
random n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
alb_certificate_arn ARN of a certificate in ACM string n/a yes
alb_name Name of the Application Load Balancer string "discourse" no
alb_sg_name Name of the ALB security group string "discourse-alb" no
alb_tags Tags to attach to all ALB resources map(string) {} no
alb_tg_name Name of the ALB Target Group string "discourse-service" no
cluster_name Name of the ECS cluster string "discourse" no
cluster_tags Tags to attach to the ECS cluster map(string) {} no
discourse_container_cpu CPU units to allocate to Discourse container number 0 no
discourse_container_image Docker image for the Discourse container string "docker.io/bitnami/discourse" no
discourse_container_memory Memory to allocate to Discourse container number 1024 no
discourse_container_memory_reservation Memory reservation to allocate to Discourse container number 1024 no
discourse_container_name Name of the Discourse container string "discourse" no
discourse_email Discourse email address string "user@example.com" no
discourse_host Public hostname of the Discourse service string n/a yes
discourse_username Discourse first user username string "admin" no
discourse_version Version of Discourse string "2.5.2" no
efs_encrypted Indicates whether the EFS must be encrypted bool true no
efs_name Name of the Discourse EFS string "discourse" no
efs_sg_name Name of the EFS security group string "discourse-efs" no
efs_tags Tags to attach to the EFS endpoints map(string) {} no
iam_task_execution_role_policies List of ARNs of policies to attach to the Task Execution Role list(string) [] no
iam_task_role_policies List of ARNs of policies to attach to the Task Role list(string) [] no
log_group_name Name of the log group in CloudWatch for Discourse string "discourse" no
log_retention_in_days How many days to keep the logs number 30 no
postgres_admin_user Username of the administrator of the database string "dbadmin" no
postgres_backup_retention_period How many days backups are retained before deletion number 15 no
postgres_cluster_name Name of the Postgres cluster string "discourse-db" no
postgres_enable_deletion_protection Enable deletion protection bool true no
postgres_engine Type of DB engine string "aurora-postgresql" no
postgres_engine_version Version of the DB engine string "10.13" no
postgres_instance_count Number of RDS instances number 1 no
postgres_instance_type Type of RDS instance string "db.t3.medium" no
postgres_name Name of the Discourse database string "discourse" no
postgres_sg_name Name of the Postgres security group string "discourse-postgres" no
postgres_storage_size Size of the DB storage (GB) number 50 no
postgres_subnet_group_name Name of the Postgres subnet group string "discourse-subnets" no
postgres_tags Tags to attach to all Postgres resources map(string) {} no
postgres_user Name of the Discourse database user string "discourse" no
redis_cluster_name Name of the Redis cluster string "discourse-cache" no
redis_engine_version Version of the Redis engine string "5.0.6" no
redis_node_type Redis node type string "cache.t3.small" no
redis_num_cache_nodes Number of Redis nodes number 1 no
redis_parameter_group_name Name of the Redis parameter group string "default.redis5.0" no
redis_port Redis port number 6379 no
redis_sg_name Name of the Redis security group string "discourse-redis" no
redis_subnet_group_name Name of the Redis subnet group string "discourse-subnets" no
redis_tags Tags to attach to all Redis resources map(string) {} no
route53_zone_id ID of the hosted zone in Route53 string n/a yes
service_assign_public_ip Indicates whether or not to assign a public IP to the service (only when subnets are public) bool false no
service_name Name of the ECS Service that runs Discourse string "discourse" no
service_sg_name Name of the ECS Service security group string "discourse-ecs-service" no
service_tags Tags to attach to all ECS Service resources map(string) {} no
service_task_desired_count Desired number of Discourse tasks running number 1 no
sidekiq_container_cpu CPU units to allocate to Discourse Sidekiq container number 0 no
sidekiq_container_image Docker image for the Discourse Sidekiq container string "docker.io/bitnami/discourse" no
sidekiq_container_memory Memory to allocate to Discourse Sidekiq container number 1024 no
sidekiq_container_memory_reservation Memory reservation to allocate to Discourse Sidekiq container number 1024 no
sidekiq_container_name Name of the Discourse Sidekiq container string "sidekiq" no
smtp_auth Authentication method for the SMTP server string "login" no
smtp_host Host of the SMTP server string "" no
smtp_password User password of the SMTP server string "" no
smtp_port Port of the SMTP server number null no
smtp_tls Enable TLS for SMTP string "yes" no
smtp_user User of the SMTP server string "" no
subnet_ids List of Subnet IDs Discourse can be deployed to list(string) n/a yes
tags Tags to attach to all resources map(string) {} no
task_tags Tags to attach to all Discourse task resources map(string) {} no
vpc_id ID of the VPC string n/a yes


Name Description
alb_arn ARN of the Discourse ALB
alb_dns_name DNS of the Discourse ALB
alb_id ID of the Discourse ALB
alb_sg_id ID of the ALB security group
cluster_arn ARN of the Discourse ECS Cluster
cluster_id ID of the Discourse ECS Cluster
discourse_password First Discourse user password
discourse_url Discourse URL
discourse_username First Discourse user username
efs_arn ARN of the Discourse EFS
efs_dns_name DNS of the Discourse EFS
efs_id ID of the Discourse EFS
efs_sg_id ID of the EFS security group
postgres_admin_password Postgres admin user password
postgres_admin_user Postgres admin user name
postgres_hostname Hostname of the Postgres server
postgres_sg_id ID of the Postgres security group