
Planetary Systems Simulation & Model of Kepler Mission for characterizing the Occurence Rates fo Exoplanets and Planetary Architectures

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to the ExoplanetsSysSim package for generating planetary systems and simulating observations of those systems with a transit survey. Currently, SysSim focuses on NASA's Kepler mission, but we've aimed to develop a generic framework that can be applied to other surveys (e.g., K2, TESS, PLATO, LSST, etc.).

How to get started:

  • Make sure you have julia and git installed.
  • If you want to use ssh keys instead of https authentication (to minimize typing your github password), then:
    • Setup a local ssh key using ssh-keygen
    • Tell Github about your ssh key: Person Icon (upper right), Settings, SSH & GPG keys, New SSH Key. Entry a name in the title box and paste the contents of cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub into the "Key" box. Add SSH Key.
  • Run julia and install the ExoplanetsSysSim repo as a Julia package using the following command.
  • If you are using windows, you might encoutner an issue with capitalization of package names.
  • If you have some issues with Blosc, you might need to follow the instructions here: JuliaIO/Blosc.jl#5

It's recommended that you run the setup script below that will attempt to install two related packages (ABC, CORBITS) that are often used in combination with ExoplanetsSysSim.

  • Optionally, run some tests, e.g.
   using ExoplanetsSysSim
  • Change into the ExoplanetsSysSim directory (likely ~/.julia/v0.6/ExoplanetsSysSim or the similar appropriate path as the julia version increases).
  • Run some simple "applications" (after exiting out of Julia and going to
cd apps
julia syssim_summary_stats.jl demo_param.in demo_ss.out
julia syssim_dist.jl demo_param.in demo_ss.out
  • Create your own feature branch and start adding features to make SysSim even more realistic and powerful
  • Write papers and cite relevant publications (e.g., Hsu et al. 2018)

NOTE: To run simulations which use the same forward model discussed in Hsu et al. (2018), please go to the "examples/hsu_etal_2018/" sub-directory.



  • Eric Ford
  • Matthias He
  • Danley Hsu
  • Darin Ragozzine

Other Contributors/Consultants:

  • Robert Morehead
  • Keir Ashby
  • Jessi Cisewski
  • Chad Schafer
  • Tom Loredo
  • Robert Wolpert


  • NASA
    • Kepler Mission
    • Kepler Science Team
    • Kepler Multi-body & Transit Timing Variations Working Groups
    • Origins of Solar Systems program, award NNX14AI76G
    • Exoplanets Research Program, award NNX15AE21G
  • The Pennsylvania State University
    • Dept. of Astronomy & Astrophysics
    • Center for Exoplanets & Habitable Worlds
    • Eberly College of Science
    • Institute for CyberScience
    • Center for Astrostatistics
    • Penn State Astrobiology Research Center
  • Florida Institute of Technology
  • University of Florida
  • Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute