- OpenShift GitOps Operator v1.3.1+
- OpenShift v4.8,v4.9+
Deploy multiple Team ArgoCD GitOps instances that have cluster admin privilege using OpenShift GitOps Operator.
Define the team deployments projects and add a Kustomize overlay
to match in the openshift-gitops/overlays
We tell the operator where we want to deploy cluster scoped ArgoCD GitOps instances.
export GITOPS_NAMESPACES=labs-ci-cd,ateam-ci-cd
Deploy the Cluster resources and GitOps operator.
oc apply -k openshift-gitops/cluster
sed "s/GITOPS_NAMESPACES/$GITOPS_NAMESPACES/" openshift-gitops/cluster/subscription-openshift-gitops.yaml | oc apply -f-
Deploy Team ArgoCD instances
oc apply -k .
Deploy GitOps
Deploy some test Apps including ones with CRD's
Delete it all