
The purpose is to streamline the position application process by sending a personalized email to the recruiter.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Careers Application API

The purpose is to streamline the position application process by sending a personalized email to the recruiter.

The Application assumes that your email is a Gmail account.


POST Create an candidate api/candidates/
GET Get several candidates api/candidates/
PUT Update an candidate api/candidates/:candidateId
PUT Add an candidate's recruiter api/candidates/:candidateId/recruiters
DELETE Delete an candidate's recruiter api/candidates/:candidateId/recruiters
GET Get an candidate's recruiters api/candidates/:candidateId/recruiters
POST Create an candidate's queue api/candidates/:candidateId/queues
GET Get an candidate's queues api/candidates/:candidateId/queues
GET Get an queue api/candidates/:candidateId/queues/:queueId
POST Create an recruiter api/recruiters/
GET Get several recruiters api/recruiters/


The following tools should be installed before starting:


  • TypeScript: Is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
  • TypeORM: Database ORM.
  • Docker: Automate the deployment of applications within containers.

Quick start

  1. Make sure you have all the prerequisites above installed.
  2. Clone this repo.
  3. Move to the cloned directory.
  4. Install deps, run $ yarn install
  5. Serve, compile and watching $ yarn dev
