Running the project, you should execute the following terminal command in the root folder of the project
$ ./mvnw spring-boot:run
Running the tests
$ ./mvnw test
You can import the ToyRobot.postman_collection.json
in you postman to use the project, it contains all the available commands
The commands tha api support are REST calls
Where {{host}} replace for the host address (default: http://localhost:8080)
\\method: POST
\\URL: {{host}}/place
\\content-type: application/json
\\request payload example
"x" : 0
,"y" : 0
,"direction" : "NORTH" \\Values available (NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST)
MOVE - Move one position towards the current facing direction
\\method: POST
\\URL: {{host}}/move
\\request payload NO PAYLOAD
LEFT - Turn to left direction of the actual facing direction
\\method: POST
\\URL: {{host}}/left
\\request payload NO PAYLOAD
RIGHT - Turn to right direction of the actual facing direction
\\method: POST
\\URL: {{host}}/right
\\request payload NO PAYLOAD
REPORT - Get the robot report (current position and facing direction)
\\method: GET
\\URL: {{host}}/report
\\payload NO PAYLOAD
\\response payload example
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"direction": "WEST"
- I'm assuming that the input will always be correct, so i did not wrote validation to the input, if it was required i would have wrote using BeanValidation
- I'm assuming that once placed, the robot can be placed in another place again, but not removed from the table
- I'm assuming that we have only one robot instance for the application, for that i'm using Spring scope Singleton, to handle that for me
- The postman collection is attached with the project. (Using version v2.1)
- Java 8
- Spring Boot
- Maven