Transactions Statistics

We would like to have a restful API for our statistics. The main use case for our API is to calculate realtime statistic from the last 60 seconds. There will be two APIs, one of them is called every time a transaction is made. It is also the sole input of this rest API. The other one returns the statistic based of the transactions of the last 60 seconds.

Running the project

$mvn spring-boot:run 


In the you can set how long the transaction can be kept in th statistics

For the integration tests the amount is reduced to '10' seconds



You can run the unit test suit using

mvn test

You can run the unit test plus integration test suit using

mvn integration-test

Or simple to also run the tests and build the package

mvn clean install 

If you are running on linux you can keep track of the statistics in real time using the following command while true; do curl http://localhost:8080/statistics | json_pp --json_opt=canonical,pretty && sleep 0.5 && clear; done just be sure to have the json_pp and curl available'

Tech stack

  • Java 8
  • Spring Boot
  • JSR303/Hibernate Validator
  • RestAssured (For Integration Tests)
  • Maven