
This repository serves as a centralized source for various GitHub projects related to Orthodox Christianity.

Orthodox Projects


This repository serves as a centralized source for various GitHub projects related to Orthodox Christianity. Whether you are looking for software or other resources, you'll find a curated list of relevant projects here. By collecting and categorizing projects related to Orthodoxy, we hope to encourage collaboration and make these resources more accessible to the wider community.



Neanes is a free and open source scorewriter for notating Byzantine chant in Byzantine notation.

BZA is an assistant that intends to help you get the correct pitch for any note of Byzantine chant, but it can also be used for isokratima.

Ponomar is a fully-functional program suite for the Orthodox Church.

Orthocal-python is an Eastern Orthodox calendar service providing commemorations, fasting, scripture readings and other information for each day of the liturgical year.


This repository contains Byzantine musical settings of Orthodox Christian liturgical texts. The musical settings are typeset with neanes.

Some examples using neanes, a free and open source scorewriter for notating Byzantine Chant.


To-Do List

A site that allows sorting all the Projects by Name, Categories or Stars.


Members who want to be visible as People of the Organization must set the visibility from private to public.


We welcome contributions from everyone! If you know of a project that should be included, or if you want to add more information to an existing entry, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch)
  3. Make your changes
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add new project')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch)
  6. Create a new Pull Request

Please ensure that your contributions are relevant to Orthodoxy and that all links are functional.

Reporting Issues

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please create an issue on our issue tracker. We appreciate your feedback!