Dynamic blur background view with tint color (UIVisualEffectView subclass) 📱
- 5
- 2
Update the library
#43 opened by yura-hb - 0
Carthage failing on iOS 16 beta 4
#42 opened by garlapatisatish - 1
Video not work
#40 opened by paulocoutinhox - 0
'Color' is only available in tvOS 13.0 or newer
#39 opened by maziar - 3
Tint color or blurRadius issues with iOS 16
#36 opened by JerseyBro - 8
Tint color issues with iOS 14
#31 opened by huanglins - 1
- 0
Crashes on iOS 13 when tintColor is nil
#32 opened by amaurydavid - 8
Some problem with saturation
#29 opened by MrGrig - 0
- 8
is not working in iOS 14
#25 opened by MehmetDenizYalcin - 39
cannot support iOS 14
#23 opened by azureplus - 1
Not working on iOS 14
#26 opened by wiencheck - 0
Blur effect apply on Status Bar
#22 opened by suraj-ios - 1
- 1
Screen is shivering when i added this in tableview with multiple cell.Please suggest how can i fix it?
#20 opened by iAmita - 3
Question: Can blur any views? or just uiimageview?
#16 opened by iad24 - 0
Custom Mask Ios10
#15 opened by vitalrum - 1
iOS 8.x crash
#14 opened by Kofktu - 0
#13 opened - 1
height and width Constraints not working
#12 opened - 4
What is the scale factor?
#8 opened by mxcl - 2
Swift 3.0 syntax
#7 opened by OrWest - 2
Swift 2.3/3.0 Support
#3 opened by efremidze - 0
Manual Installation
#1 opened by lfarah