
Primary LanguageR

title: "John Minter's Helpful Tips"
author: "J. R. Minter"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%Y-%m-%d')`"
    css: ./theme/jm-blue-vignette.css

This repository contains the John Minter's useful tips in Rmarkdown

> Your closest colaborator is you, six months from now --
> and you don't respond to email... 
> - Karl Broman

**First**, two quickies: 

1. Automatically download all files in a directory

	Let's also exclude all the `index.html` files... 

wget -r --no-parent --reject "index.html*" http://my/url

2. I **hate** the new Chome bookmark manager. Happliy we can turn it off. Thanks to [Jeff Kitchen](https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/chrome/TVHpStVuxSc)

	> If you have sync enabled and include your bookmarks then the Disable Enhanced Bookmarks should not be an issue. 

	> Type in the url window:


	> Select disable (from Default) 

	> Restart your browser




[Oxford AZtec](./AZtec/AZtec.html)


[Carbon Film Thickness](./carbonFilmThickness/carbonFilmThickness.html)



[Conductive Epoxies](./ConductiveEpoxy/ConductiveEpoxy.html)

[Diffraction Limit](./DiffractionLimit/DiffractionLimit.html)





[Building up a ggplot2 figure](./ggplot2figure/ggplot2-figure.html)






[Håklev's tips on data wrangling with R](./hacklev/hacklev.html)




[Jekyll on github.io](./jekyll-github/jekyll-github.html)

[Logos Library System](./Logos/Logos.html)



[maintaining legacy equipment](./legacy/Legacy.html)



[Monte Carlo methods in R](./monteCarlo/monteCarlo.html)

[MS Office](./msOffice/msOffice.html)


[OS Package Links](./osPkgs/osPkgs.html)


[portable makefiles](./portableMakefiles/portableMakefiles.html)

[Preparation of samples for EDS](./prepForEDS/prepForEDS.html)

[Probe for EPMA](./probeForEPMA/probeForEPMA.html)


[python image processing with skimage](./skimage/skimage.html)











[Reproducible Research](./ReproducibleResearch/ReproducibleResearch.html)







[Sublime Text 3](./ST3/ST3.html)





[Visual Studio 2010](./VS2010/VS2010.html)

