
Simples landing page com back-end desenvolvido em Ruby e front-end desenvolvido com o React. Os dados usuários da Newsletter são salvos num arquivo json. Simple landing page with back-end developed in Ruby and front-end developed with React. Newsletter user data is saved in a json file.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SEA Landing Page

Developed with Ruby + React

Simple landing page with back-end developed in Ruby and front-end developed with React. Newsletter user data is saved in a json file.

Simples landing page com back-end desenvolvido em Ruby e front-end desenvolvido com o React. Os dados usuários da Newsletter são salvos num arquivo json.

Application screenshot

English instructions

Running the application

To run the app you need to have Ruby, Node.js/NPM and React installed and configured.

To run the back-end, enter the 'email-pickup' directory, install the dependencies with the bundle install command and use the ruby app.rb command to run the application.

To run the front-end, enter the front directory, install the dependencies with NPM and run the npm start command. View the app in the browser at the url 'http://localhost:3000'

Running with Docker

In the project root, run the docker-compose up command. View the app in the browser at the url 'http://localhost:3000'

Backend commands to use in the terminal

In the email-pickup directory you can use the commands below:

ruby populate_users_file.rb to create 100 users in the newsletter

ruby remove_all_contacts.rb remove all contacts

ruby remove_duplicates.rb remove all duplicate contacts

Instruções em Português

Rodando a aplicação

Para rodar o app é necessário ter o Ruby, Node.js/NPM e React instalados e configurados.

Para rodar o back-end, entre no diretório 'email-pickup', instale as dependências com o comando bundle install e use o comando ruby app.rb para rodar a aplicação.

Para rodar o front-end entre no diretório front, instale as dependências com o NPM e execute o comando npm start. Vizualise o app no browser na url 'http://localhost:3000'

Rodando com o Docker

Na raiz do projeto execute o comando docker-compose up. Vizualise o app no browser na url 'http://localhost:3000'

Comandos do back-end para usar no terminal

No diretório email-pickup você poderá usar os comandos abaixo:

ruby populate_users_file.rb para criar 100 usuários na newsletter

ruby remove_all_contacts.rb remover todos os contatos

ruby remove_duplicates.rb remover todos os contatos duplicados