A system managing the voting process of an election using a Self Adjusting Bloom Filter, a Red-Black Tree and a Linked List.
Here's a visualization of the structures used in the voting management system:
$ make clean
$ make
Command Line Parameters (and their flags) are optional and they can be used in any order.
./runelection -i <Input File> -o <Output File> -n <Number of Updates Needed to Reconstruct Bloom Filter>
List of available commands:
- lbf [key] (lookup bloom-filter)
- lrb [key] (lookup red-black tree)
- ins [record]
- find [key]
- delete [key]
- vote [key]
- load [fileofkeys] (to vote)
- voted
- voted [postcode]
- votedperpc
- help
- exit
Bloom Filter is implemented using array of bits. It resizes when the filter’s fill ratio reaches the maximum acceptable value.
Postcode Struct is implemented using a linked list of linked lists of pointer to records.
Red-Black Tree is implemented using Binary Search Tree as basis.
Each Record is represented by a simple struct of its data.
Election is implemented using a struct. Having implemented struct Election offers the ability to extend the program easily to multiple elections at the same time by using, for example, an array of pointers to Elections.
Bloom Filter: bf/bf.c, bf/bf.h
Linked list of pointers to records of the same postal code: postcodelist/recordlist.c, postcodelist/recordlist.h
Linked list of recordlists to compose the Postcode Struct: postcodelist/postcodelist.c, postcodelist/postcodelist.h
Red-Black Tree implemented using Binary Search Tree as basis: rbt/rbt.c, rbt/rbt.h
Struct to define a record: records/record.c, records/record.h
Utilities/functions used for arrays: utils/array.c, utils/array.h
Utilities/functions used for arrays: utils/file.c, utils/file.h
Utilities/functions used for prime numbers: utils/primenumber.c, utils/primenumber.h
Struct to define an election: election.c, election.h
Main function and some other helpful functions: runelection.c