
Ostad Assignment 24: Event Management System

Primary LanguageHTML

Project Requirements

  • This System has authentication system for users
  • User can create, view, edit and delete events ( only logged in users)
  • All user can not create or edit or delete events only super admin and permitted users can perform this task
  • Create relationships between users and events (one-to-many).
  • Events should have => title => description => date => time => location
  • Create a dashboard page for logged-in users.
  • Implement a page to list all events with basic details.
  • Implement a page to view the details of a specific event.
  • Create a page to add a new event.
  • Implement editing and updating of existing events.
  • Add a feature to delete events.
  • Implement server-side validation for event creation and editing.
  • Display appropriate error messages to users in case of validation failures.


  • Design and implement responsive frontend views using Blade templates and CSS.
  • Display events in an organized and user-friendly format.
  • Enhance user experience with proper form layouts and interactions.
  • Allow users to RSVP for events.
  • Implement event categories and filtering.
  • Add pagination to the events listing page.
  • Implement a search functionality for events.