
Creating a data pipeline with PySpark, Google Cloud Storage, and BigQuery

Primary LanguagePython

Creating a data pipeline with PySpark, Google Cloud Storage, and BigQuery

To follow along, fork this repository and create a GitHub codespace. You can also run this locally provided you have Python and Docker installed.

0. Setting up the environment

Create the docker-compose.yaml file

    build: .
      - SPARK_MODE=master
      - '8080:8080'
      - '4040:4040'
      - ./data:/data
      - ./src:/src
    build: .
      - SPARK_MODE=worker
      - SPARK_MASTER_URL=spark://spark:7077
      - ./data:/data
      - ./src:/src 

Set up the Dockerfile. We're using Bitnami package for Spark

FROM docker.io/bitnami/spark:3.5.1

COPY *.jar $SPARK_HOME/jars

RUN mkdir -p $SPARK_HOME/secrets
COPY ./src/credentials/gcp-credentials.json $SPARK_HOME/secrets/gcp-credentials.json

RUN pip install delta-spark

Create a new GCP project

  1. Create a new GCP project and name it something like spark-gcs-bq
  2. Authorize the APIs for Google Cloud Storage and BigQuery
  3. Create a new bucket in the Google Cloud Storage named [project-name]-censo. Bucket names must be globally unique, so adding the project name as a prefix helps.
  4. Switch over to BigQuery and create a new dataset named censo_ensino_superior. Make sure it has the same location type as the GCS bucket from the previous step.
  5. Create a service account under IAM & Admin > Service Accounts. Give the service account the following roles (Storage Admin + BigQuery Admin).
  6. Create a key by clicking on the menu (three dots) and selecting Add Key > Create New Key > Create. This will download a .json to your computer.

Back to the working directory, create a new file prepare_env.sh and add the following which (1) will create directories that Spark will be authorized to access and (2) download the GCS connector for Spark:

mkdir -p ./data/
mkdir -p ./src/credentials
chmod -R 777 ./src
chmod -R 777 ./data

wget https://storage.googleapis.com/hadoop-lib/gcs/gcs-connector-latest-hadoop2.jar

Execute prepare_env.sh

source prepare_env.sh

Rename the downloaded credentials .json to gcp-credentials.json and move it to ./src/credentials.

Run the container

docker compose up --build

1. Downloading data

Let's write a script for downloading data from the Microdados do Censo da Educação Superior (Brazilian Higher Education Census).

The Education Census data webpage contains links for data from 1995 to 2022. All download links follow the format http://download.inep.gov.br/microdados/microdados_censo_da_educacao_superior_{year}.zip. Let's set this as the base URL and create a list of years from 1995 to 2022 inclusive. We'll also import the os and requests modules

BASE_URL = "http://download.inep.gov.br/microdados/microdados_censo_da_educacao_superior_{}.zip"
YEARS = range(1995, 2022+1)

Then let's set the directory where we want to download the zip files. We'll also set a boolean so we can choose whether to unzip the files our not.

SAVE_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data")
UNZIP = True

Now let's write the main download script which uses os and the requests.get() function to download the zip file for every year, unzip each file, move the csv file to the data directory, and delete the unzipped folder and zip file afterwards.

for year in YEARS:
  print("Downloading data for year {}".format(year))
  url = BASE_URL.format(year)
  r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True, verify=False)
  open(os.path.join(SAVE_PATH, "{}.zip".format(year)), "wb").write(r.content)

  # Unzip the file
  if UNZIP:
    print("Unzipping file")
    os.system(f"unzip {SAVE_PATH}/{year}.zip -d {SAVE_PATH}/{year}")

    csvs_path = f"{SAVE_PATH}/{year}/*/dados/*.CSV"
    os.system(f"mv {csvs_path} {SAVE_PATH}")

    # Delete the zip file
    os.system(f"rm {SAVE_PATH}/{year}.zip")
    # Delete the unzipped folder
    os.system(f"rm -rf {SAVE_PATH}/{year}")

Bring this all together in the download_files.py file, which we'll run to download the data.

python download_files.py

Check the ./data folder where we can find
