InversePDE is a repository containing the implementations of experiments from the paper "Solving Inverse PDE Problems using Grid-Free Monte Carlo Estimators" by Ekrem Fatih Yilmazer, Delio Vicini, and Wenzel Jakob. You can see the paper in the following link.
The repository is organized as follows:
- `PDE2D` and `PDE3D`: Source files for 2D and 3D solvers, respectively.
- `python2D` and `python3D`: Contains optimization scripts and validation experiments.
- `notebooks-2D` and `notebooks-3D`: Jupyter notebooks for visualizing various tests and generating results.
3D Solver:
- Requires Signed Distance Function (SDF) representations for shapes or spheres.
- Currently supports Dirichlet boundary conditions only.
- To be able to generate the results and the figures for 3D example you need to download the scene file located in .
2D Solver:
- Supports representations using Quadratic Bézier Curves, SDFs, and Circles.
- Handles both Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions as well as 2D EIT reconstructions with circular boundary.
Generate Results:
Execute the shell scripts located in the `python2D` and `python3D` directories to reproduce the experimental results presented in the paper. 3D results require generation of a high resolution SDF from a mesh, you can simply run `redistance/\ for generation of the SDF used in the paper.Running the finite difference comparisons might require double precision. Please check Mitsuba documentation to build it with double precision.
Generate Figures:
After running the experiments, use the Jupyter notebooks located in `notebooks-2D/figure-generations` and `notebooks-3D/figure-generations` to generate figures in the paper based on the computed results.