
OS Course in Afeka

Primary LanguageJavaThe UnlicenseUnlicense


OS Course in Afeka

This is my project for Afeka, Operating Systems course, working with threads. the aim of this project is to find primes within a range in two ways;

one is in a Static Distribution; each thread is assigned a subrange of numbers to check for primes

the other is in a Dynamic Distribution; beginning at the first number, each thread takes a number and checks if it's a prime, if not it takes the next unchecked until everything is checked

both implementations stop when the first prime is found

To execute in eclipse, pass three (3) arguments: for range a-b and number of threads to be working with PASS A B N for example:

50 100 6

is going to make it check the range 50-100 with 6 threads for a prime, the methods will stop at the first prime found