
This can be taken from jenkins to test and deploy a new microservice in AWS ECS

Primary LanguageShell

Microservices default files


These is an skeleton repo used to create microservices from scratch. Use the import feature in bitbucket to create a new repo and start to build it from there.

Files and directory description

├── Jenkinsfile 
├── bin
│   ├── apply-terraform.sh
│   ├── build-image.sh
│   ├── docker-entrypoint.sh
│   ├── image-version.sh
│   ├── plan-terraform.sh
│   ├── publish-image.sh
│   └── test-image.sh
└── terraform
    ├── container_definitions.json
    ├── datasources.tf
    ├── main.tf
    └── variables.tf


This is what is read from Jenkins and basically its running the bash script in secuence from bin/

Bash Scripts

image-version.sh it sets the shared variable needed for all other scripts.

build-image.sh it will compile the binary from src/ and create an docker image used to run the binary.

docker-entrypoint.sh is used by the docker image created as entrypoint

test-image.sh it will test the image created with build-image.sh before deployment (CI).

publish-image.sh uplaad the docker image to the proper ECR repo. If the repo doesnt exist, it going to create it.

plan-terraform.sh shows the infra changes that terraform will apply if next step. Terraform code is defined on terraform/ directory.

apply-terraform.sh apply the plan proposed in plan-terraform.sh

Terraform Code

Terraform is a tool to have infrastracture as a code.

container_definitions.json ECS Task definition.

datasources.tf This is a set of aws resources already created that will taken as input. i.e: VPC and Load Balancer and all resources related.

More details about Data Sources can be found here: https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/aws/index.html#

main.tf This are the AWS resources that will be created within this project.

Basically an ECS service will be created/updated based on container_definitions provided and

attached to the internal Load Balancer for the service be able to be reachable from the VPC.

variables.tf This is the file where variables used my the terraform module will be set. This file structure is the recommended as for the best practice of terraform.