
Primary LanguageRust


The anticipation of most types of rewards increases the level of dopamine in the brain.


Null case:

$ dop
No actions registered.

For more info:
  dop -h

Do a new thing:

$ dop doomscroll
New action registered: "doomscroll".

If this is something you want to do more often:
  dop -g doomscroll

If this is something you want to do less often:
  dop -b doomscroll

For more info:
  dop -h

Set the valence of a thing:

$ dop -b doomscroll
Valence of action "doomscroll" set to "bad".

Dop will discourage you from taking this action.

Set the valence of a new thing:

$ dop -g meditate
New action registered: "meditate".

Valence of action "meditate" set to "good".

Dop will encourage you to take this action.

Show status:

$ dop

| Action     | Last   | Frequency   |
| ---------- | ------ | ----------- |
| meditate   | 1m ago | no data yet |
| doomscroll | 1m ago | no data yet |

For more info:
  dop -h


Data is stored in ~/.local/share/dop/<ACTION>.ndjson

Configuration is stored in ~/.config/dop/dop.toml, in the following format:

valence = "good"

valence = "bad"