
Primary LanguageJavaScript


pugmenu allows you to create a menu of frequently used commands and places using a simple configuration language based on Pug, which is the cleanest syntax out there for representing of structured data and declarative configuration.


  • Configuration
    • Create menu from Pug file passed on command line
    • Watch configuration file for changes by default
    • Document supported Pug tags
  • Display
    • Display as tray icon
    • Display as standalone button
      • Automatically position self
    • Display as panel widget
    • Display when clicking on desktop
    • Allow passing a custom stylesheet
    • Allow widgets in menu options (slider, text input)
  • Dynamic data sources
    • Create a menu option for each entry in a directory
    • Create a menu option for each line in a file
    • Create a menu option for each line in the output of a script
      • ps -at + readlink /proc/PID/cwd
      • tmux list-sessions, list-clients, list-panes
    • Watch dynamic sources for changes