
Personal simple React/Webpack starter

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React/React Router/Redux/Immutablejs/Webpack Starter

This is a simple starter client-side web app. There are better and more complete examples, but this one hits my own sweet spot at this time. It is client-side only, as that is what I usually need. My goal is to be able to clone this and use it as scaffolding for new projects.

Most of the Webpack config is from Juho Vepsäläinen (@bebraw)'s book Survivejs Webpack. You should consider buying it.

Other inspiration comes from Stephen Grider (@StephenGrider)'s Reactjs courses on Udemy. You should check them out.

I take full credit for any bugs that I introduced. 😳

Why this particular stack?

  • React - The easiest view library I know of
  • React Router - Good fit with React
  • Redux - Makes it dead simple to keep track of app state
  • Immutable - Eliminates difficult to find bugs caused by unwitting mutations.
  • Webpack - I'm not 100% sold on Webpack. Browserify is easier and you can accomplish a lot with it. I want to learn Webpack, so here it is.


Many things I work on need viewport information, so that's included. The viewport monitor updates the redux store with window size and scroll position.

For a simple async example, I included a random number fact component that uses this API: https://market.mashape.com/divad12/numbers-1#get-random-fact

If you want to build and run this, you will need an API key (free) which you can get from mashape.com. Set it in src/config/apikeys.js like this:

export const numbersApiKey = 'the key';

You may notice eslint related items in the project. These are only for my text editor (Atom) at this time.

Building and Running

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Obtain and install an API key (see above)
  3. cd to the directory you cloned into and "npm install"
  4. "npm start" to start the dev server on port 8080

For a production build, "npm run build" will create all the files in the build subfolder.

The app will figure out if it's running at the web root or one level down (http://www.example.com/myapp/). It isn't smart enough for anything else at this time. Look at config/index.js if you want to implement a different setup.

Look at https://github.com/reactjs/react-router/blob/master/docs/guides/Histories.md for hints on how to configure web servers to support browser history. This repo has a sample Apache .htaccess files configured to run the app under /nav.

To run unit tests: "npm run test". For continuous testing, "npm run test:watch".


  • integration tests