
A sample demonstrates how to use and customize the LibVLCSharp MediaElement control.

Primary LanguageC#

How to use the MediaElement control ?

    LibVLC="{Binding LibVLC}"
    MediaPlayer="{Binding MediaPlayer}" />

Without customization, the view looks like VLC Android or iOS UI.

This screenshot comes from the sample using LibVLCSharp.Forms v.3.5.1


  • Hide the Playback Controls (the Seek bar and the buttons Bar)
    LibVLC="{Binding LibVLC}"
    MediaPlayer="{Binding MediaPlayer}">
        <vlc:PlaybackControls IsVisible="False"  />

  • Change the Main Color
    LibVLC="{Binding LibVLC}"
    MediaPlayer="{Binding MediaPlayer}">
        <vlc:PlaybackControls MainColor="Red"  />

This screenshot comes from the sample using LibVLCSharp.Forms v.3.5.1

Just type Ctrl + Space in the vlc:PlaybackControls tag to discover more customizable properties.