Blockchain Car Demo

Build Status

Environment Setup

You may need to clean your docker env first:

sudo systemctl stop docker
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/docker/
sudo systemctl start docker

Then type the following command from the project root:

cd app
mvn clean install
cd ../fixtures
bash restart

This will assemble and install the docker image for the car app. It will then download the required fabric images and spin up the fabric network. The web app can be accessed on http://localhost:8080. Log in with the credentials from SecurityConfig.

System Requirements

  • Linux or MacOS is highly recommended, Windows remains untested
  • 5GB RAM recommended (lower amounts may result in crashes or unsuccessful builds)
  • Docker
  • Java 8
  • Maven
  • Git

Usage Instructions

carchain Tutorial on Google Drive

Fetch Cars Directly on Peer(s)

To check out the bootstrapped car, log into the docker container of peer0 in org1 and query the car:

local$           docker exec -it bash
root@peer0.org1# peer chaincode invoke -n car_cc_go -C foo -c '{"Args":["readCar", "garage", "garage", "WVWZZZ6RZHY260780"]}'

If you encounter problems, try a docker rm $(docker ps -aq) to remove all containers from time to time.

CC Development

To test if cc builds locally with most recent fabric.:

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
git checkout v1.0.0 -b v1.0.0

To see if the cc actually builds, clone this repo and execute from that folder:

cd chaincode/src/
go build

To run all tests:

go test

Or to run only some tests (TestTransferCar test in this case):

go test -run TestTransferCar
