
React Native package for country phone codes selection.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Country phone codes selection component with search functionality for React Native. (iOS and Android)


npm i react-native-phone-code-select


  • Import and place the component.
  • Since the component is a modal, visible prop should be controlled. Hooking up the visible prop to a state is demonstrated below.
  • The country selected from the modal is returned in the onCountryPress prop.
  • Country name, code or phone code can be entered to the search.
import RNPhoneCodeSelect from "react-native-phone-code-select";

  onDismiss={() => setVisible(false)}
  onCountryPress={(country) => setSelectedCountry(country)}

Configuration Props

Prop Type Description
visible Boolean The visibility of the modal. If true the modal will be shown and vice versa.
autoFocus Boolean If true, focuses the input component on componentDidMount.
onDismiss Function Function that will be fired when the 'Done' button is pressed.
onCountryPress Function Function that fires when a country from the list is selected. A 'country' parameter is included as a Country Object. (See below for details.)
primaryColor Color The primary color used in the component.
secondaryColor Color The secondary color used in the component.
buttonStyle Style Object Not required. Extra styling for button background.
buttonTextStyle Style Object Not required. Extra styling for button text.
buttonText String Not required. Custom text for 'Done' button.

Country Object

  name: "Turkey",
  flag: "🇹🇷",
  code: "TR",
  dial_code: "+90"

Example Usage

import RNPhoneCodeSelect from "react-native-phone-code-select";

export default function App() {
  const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
  const [selectedCountry, setSelectedCountry] = useState(null);
  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
      <Button onPress={() => setVisible(true)} title="Show Modal" />
        onDismiss={() => setVisible(false)}
        onCountryPress={(country) => setSelectedCountry(country)}