
A money transfer app to introduce web security fundamentals.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Zenmo is a demo app to introduce some web security fundamentals for class CSE 437S: Software Engineering Workshop.


  1. Expose an API key, data leak in a form body that is submitted.

    • Will expose a unique API key to each user that grants access to a fake price api
    • In real world the same key would be exposed to every user
    • If not properly gated, users could steal this api key for their own project
    • TODO: Expose api key in some front end page
    • TODO: Create page to submit the exposed key and verify it matches the users key
  2. Malformed POST request.

    • Send a money from someone else to self by changing the post request body.
  3. CSRF GET Request

  4. Unprotected Routes (user/other-user)

    • See other user's info by changing
  5. XXS: Inject JS to a page

    • We believe we can achieve this React's dangerouslySetInnerHtml. More about that here


  • Build the UI for the pages.
  • Set SQL db with prisma
  • Add login with email to track which students were in.
  • Develop vulnerabilities in the context of the app.
    • Expose key
    • Malformed money sending request
    • Unprotected profile pages
    • XSS injection