
Archiso Build Configurations

Primary LanguageShell




  • Contains many packages
  • i3
  • Telegram
  • pacaur
  • Firefox Developer
  • atom with packages
  • $ bootstrap to apply patches to the live system

Default Credentials

  • arch; password
  • root; password

Build ISO

  • sudo ./build.sh -v

Development Process

  • Build the image
  • Boot image in vm
  • Take snapshot
  • Clone the archiso repo and test the config scripts
  • If it does not work, fix the scripts, restore image, repeat
  • Build the image again, this time including the customizations

Installing Archiso to disk

  • Boot to grub/syslinux
  • Press TAB on boot entry
    • Append cow_spacesize=512M
  • pacman -Sy git
  • git clone https://github.com/egeldenhuys/aui
  • cd aui
  • ./fifo