
My Gruvbox Themed DWM Dotfiles

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Gruvbox DWM



Packge Name Needed For What
feh For setup wallpaper
picom For compositing
(Optional) numlockx For auto enable numlock
kitty As a terminal
flameshot For screenshot tool
dmenu For application launcher
(Optional) Qutebrowser For browser
pulseaudio For audio control
sysstat For CPU monitoring
FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font For statusbar font

How to Setup

cd /tmp
git clone https://github.com/egemertdogan/dwm-dotfiles
cd dwm-dotfiles
cp .xinitrc ~/ #This will override your xinitrc!
cp dwm* ~/.config/
cd ~/.config/dwm/
sudo make clean install
cd ~/.config/dwmblocks/
sudo make clean install

For vim-ide (Vim with pathogen plugin manager and some plugins) # Optional

Warning! This steps will override your vimrc file and vim directory
cp /tmp/.vimrc ~/ && cp /tmp/.vim ~/ -r