
Configure OpenVPN with bypass rkn.gov.ru limits.

Primary LanguagePython

RKN vpn configurator

Generate ovpn config on-the-fly.


"brain" of idea. Features:

  • collect ip and subnets from reestr.rublacklist.net
    • extend ovpn config from collected data via route
    • cache generated to sqlite3 database
    • generate ovpn config from cached data
  • generate routes from pre-defined subnets
    • todo: collect it from additional sources
      • habrahabr (2 pages)


REST-full (will be) API. Have only one route (/) with two methods (GET, POST).

  • GET for README.md 2 html
  • POST with file multipart/formdata for extend your template

bash use:

curl https://rkn-vpn-configurator.herokuapp.com/
curl -XPOST -F 'file=@openvpn.conf' https://rkn-vpn-configurator.herokuapp.com/


import requests
r = requests.post(
  files = {
    'file': open('openvpn.conf', 'rb')
with open('server.conf', 'a+') as f:

[deprecated] Notice

This application for contact the rublacklist.net (cloudflare) must see in system path:

  • selenium
  • chromedriver