Support dynamically load epg list
shaoyangdl opened this issue · 3 comments
In some cases for iptv, server may not support getting all epg data in one request, the data is huge for iptv providers who provides a few thousands of channels. Instead, they support getting epg channel by channel. In our current solution, we have to set data in advance, can we have a function e.g.
fun updateData(channelId: String, programList: List<ProgramGuideSchedule<T>>)
which only updates the channel's epg data and add:
notifyScheduleUpdated(channelId: String)
in the listener that only one row of data is updated?
Sadly I do not have the time to implement such big features into the library.
I know that one of the contributors tried to implement something similar, but there were weird focus issues when the row was updated, the focus jumped to the top of the grid, so it is not as easy as it may look.
Anyways, if you are able to add this as a feature, I'm happy to review it and integrate it in the library. Also if you start on it and get stuck, or have questions, feel free to ask here about the specifics.
Thanks mate, I am implementing this and also found the focus issue. I am trying to find a solution. Unfortunately I don't have much time either, but will try to contribute to this. Cheers.
Closing because of inactivity. Feel free to reopen / create a new issue if you got any more questions.