- 0
Padding issue for each event
#74 opened by epg2024 - 0
- 4
- 9
autoScrollToBestProgramme/focusCurrentProgram don't always focus correctly on the corrent program
#64 opened by jleahy2 - 4
Updating grid data in chunks
#70 opened by ngan9elova - 1
Scroll issues
#71 opened by sureshqplay - 2
While Video Length is Larger then It skipping the Row and focused changed to 3rd row.
#69 opened by chetanvaghela457 - 4
Android TV Program Guide
#65 opened by kiskala - 2
Help On Updating Large Amount Of Epg Data
#63 opened by rahat14 - 2
Channel Image Focusable
#56 opened by JpouHG - 12
Endless EPG
#68 opened by IvanAbakumov - 7
Time line not sync with current time
#50 opened by MaheshaCN24 - 1
Need help with timeline and line LIVE
#67 opened by IvanAbakumov - 2
Jetpack compose
#66 opened by alijamal6459 - 11
Api to have 24-hour rolling window in grid view starting from previous half hour
#61 opened by swinder0161 - 4
Left Most Focus Issue
#62 opened by rahat14 - 3
Java implementation needed
#60 opened by swinder0161 - 2
I want to use your skills in my java project
#49 opened by JeongHyeok97 - 6
- 1
How to Set time to 12 hour Format
#55 opened by MaheshaCN24 - 1
How to use an XMLTV url with the code
#59 opened by digitalp - 2
- 2
- 2
current program view not updating currectly
#54 opened by MaheshaCN24 - 7
Unable to parse DateTime
#52 opened by MaheshaCN24 - 0
how can i use this project in Android Studio
#51 opened by JeongHyeok97 - 18
Scrolling didnt works if I update the epg data with past or future program.
#44 opened by Durgesh-1992 - 6
Manage focus on Program view
#45 opened by shailesh2208 - 8
Timeline doesn't match schedule start time
#48 opened by ybonnetain - 7
Support required in setting focus to the current time range programs on navigating up or down.
#47 opened by hruship0099 - 16
- 0
Add Click listener on Channels list
#46 opened by usmanali353 - 3
- 6
- 10
- 2
- 8
Error building demo app
#35 opened by devnullpointer - 9
Hi @dzolnai
#34 opened by awesome1128 - 3
Support dynamically load epg list
#33 opened by shaoyangdl - 8
Focus issue
#32 opened by psandroiddev - 5
- 7
The issue in getting the current channel name.
#30 opened by arunoodles - 2
- 1
Focus the specified program
#29 opened by duongtainhan - 2
- 2
- 7
Facing issue related timeline dimen
#25 opened by duongtainhan - 2
Only need to show yesterday, today and tomorrow shows in single scroll without any Filters of days.
#24 opened by arunoodles - 1
Support for EPG channel page switching
#23 opened by anoopmaddasseri - 2
play stream onScheduleSelected
#22 opened by Matador2020