The main reason behind this playground is to achieve a simple, reusable horizontal paging scroll that supports dynamic reloading of content with the flexibility reacting to the highlighted item. This project will end up supporting iOS 13.
If you want a dedicated pager there are better alternatives, especially if you're only supporting iOS 14 with ScrollViewReader
as this is somewhat of a flexible in-between feature that always pages to an item when the scroll ends, but supports continuous scroll during the drag gesture.
The PagingScrollView
can be customized through PagingScrollViewOptions
itemSpacing: CGFloat
contentMode: PagingScrollContentMode
scrollSensitivity: PagingScrollSensitivity
verticalGrowthBehavior : PagingScrollVerticalGrowthBehavior
Determines whether the focused item will anchor to leading or center of the frame
enum PagingScrollContentMode {
case leading, center
The scroll ratio needed to transition to the next item, can be either a dynamic ratio of the item size or a fixed scroll distance.
enum PagingScrollSensitivity {
case fixed(_: StaticScrollSensitivity), dynamic(_: DynamicScrollSensitivity)
enum StaticScrollSensitivity: Hashable {
case distance(_: CGFloat)
enum DynamicScrollSensitivity: CGFloat {
case standard = 0.5, high = 0.25, extreme = 0.1
Controls whether the PagingScrollView will fit around its content vertically or expand take up the available vertical space
enum PagingScrollVerticalGrowthBehavior {
case fit, expand
struct PagingScrollView<Data: RandomAccessCollection, Content: View>: View where Data.Element : Hashable, Data.Index == Int, Data: Equatable
init(_ data: Data, options: PagingScrollViewOptions = PagingScrollViewOptions(), onTapGesture: (() -> Void)? = nil, onHighlightedIndexChanged: ((Int) -> Void)? = nil, content: @escaping (Data.Element, Bool) -> Content)
private let themes: [ColorScheme] = [.red, .blue, .yellow, .green, .pink, .purple]
PagingScrollView(themes) { item, isActive in
ZStack {
item.resolve().secondaryBackground.frame(width: 30, height: 30)
}.frame(width: isActive ? 200 : 100, height: 100)
Each item has an onTapGesture
which scrolls to that item.
You can either tap to scroll, scroll continously or swipe to scroll to the next item depending on PagingScrollSensitivity
Check out the Example for more details