Source code

The implementation is based on warthog.

├── maps/
├── scenarios/
└── warthog/
  • maps, scenarios store benchmark from movingAI and IRON
  • warthog stores all source files


Go to source file directory: cd warthog

  • To run benchmark:
    • make fast: run in fast mode, without collecting statistic on scanning
    • make fastcnt: run in fast mode but collect statistic on scanning
  • To debug: make dev
  • To clean: make clean

Once compiled, run ./build/<dev|fast>/bin/warthog for a list of command line parameters. A simple case is the following:

./bin/warthog --scen <scen file> --map <map file> --alg <alg name>

Where map files are end with .map, and scenario files are end with .scen.

Algorithms are:

  • --alg jps2: JPS with block based scanning
  • --alg jps2-prune2: Constrained JPS


Exp-1: Synthetic Maps

  • ./ gen: generate synthetic maps, store in synthetic-data:
├── diag-512-1.scen
├── ...
├── vary-size
│   ├──
│   ├── diag-1024.scen
│   ├──
│   ...

  • ./ time: run synthetic benchmark, measure performance, store in synthetic-output:
├── vary_br
│   ├── jps2
│   │   ├── 0/
│   │   ├── 1/
│   │   ...
│   └── jps2-prune2
│       ├── 0/
│       ├── 1/
│       ...
  • ./ sub: run synthetic benchmark, measure suboptimal node expansion/generation, store in synthetic-output:
├── vary_br
│   ├── jps2
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ...
│   ├── jps2-prune2

Exp-2: Ablation Study

For ablation study, checkout following branches:

  • master: CJPS
  • jps-b: backwards scanning on JPS
  • jps-g: diagonal caching on JPS
  • cjps-b: backwards scanning on CJPS
  • cjps-g: diagonal caching on CJPS All these variants in each branch are noted as jps2-prune2.

Then call script

  • ./ time: measure runtime
  • ./ sub: measure suboptimal node generation/expansion

Exp-3: Domain Maps

  • ./ gen_rand: generate random obstacles on existing maps
  • ./ genjobs: generate It includes all commands to run benchmarks with vary random obstacles and repeat 10 times, the order of these commands are shuffled to reduce caching behaviour.
  • ./ run benchmarks to get performance data. Data are stored in ./domain-output.
  • ./ gen_subq: generate The generated scripts count the number of suboptimal node generation/expansion.
  • cat | parallel: it can be very slow as it run a Dijkstra for each query to compute a true distance table. Recommend to run in parallel.