The adapter for the migration from express to koa
If you have search the two framework on npm, you will get 16k+ (express) and 4k+ (koa). express has a bigger ecosystem than koa, This package will let you use express middleware in koa application.
You can simply wrap express middleware with wrap
const { wrap } = require('koa-express-adapter');
const Koa = require('koa');
const app = new Koa();
// wrap express middleware
app.use(wrap(function(req, res) {
res.send('Hello World');
Note: Don't define next argument when you don't use it.
// it's wrong
app.use(wrap(function(req, res, next) {
res.send('Hello World');
Express API
- accepts
- acceptsCharset
- acceptsCharsets
- acceptsEncoding
- acceptsEncodings
- acceptsLanguage
- acceptsLanguages
- baseUrl
- fresh
- get
- hostname
- host
- ip
- ips
- is
- param
- path
- protocol
- query
- range
- route
- secure
- signedCookies
- stale
- subdomains
- xhr
- append
- attachment
- clearCookie
- cookie
- download
- format
- get
- json
- jsonp
- links
- locals
- location
- redirect
- render
- send
- sendFile
- sendStatus
- set
- status
- type
- vary
Thanks for express testcase for compatible unittest.
(The MIT License)