Welcome to the geo-Python
Environment Repository! Here you will find a conda environment that can be installed on your computer using a .yaml
- Leah A. Wasser (@lwasser)
- Filipe fernandes (@ocefpaf)
- Tim Head (@betatim)
- Chris Holdgraf (@choldgraf)
- Max Joseph (@mbjoseph)
- Martha Morrissey
To begin, install git
and conda
for Python 3.x (we suggest 3.6).
Installing git: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git
Installing mambaforge: tutorial to come soon!
About Conda Environments: https://conda.io/docs/user-guide/tasks/manage-environments.html
A setup tutorial will be available online soon.
We recommend installing everything using the with conda-forge
The tutorial above will provide you with more detailed setup instructions. But here are the cliff notes:
To begin make sure ou have a conda
python distribution installed. I suggest
that you use mambaforge
as specified in the tutorial above.
Finally, install the environment using:
mamba env create -f environment.yml
This will take a bit of time to run.
- Also note that for the code above to work, you need to be in the directory where the
file lives so CD to that directory first
$ cd geo-python
You can update your environment at any time using:
mamba env update -f environment.yml
To manage your conda environments, use the following commands (you can still use conda commands, mamba just makes the install faster):
conda info --envs
Conda 4.6 and later versions (all operating systems):
conda activate geo-python
The environment name is geo-python
defined in the environment.yml
If you wish to update the earth analytics environment, do the following.
- Make a PR with changes to
- An code admin will merge the PR into the main branch