
Check your SSL/TLS/HTTPS certificates, in a programmatic way, pure python3, make a nice CSV report.

Primary LanguagePython

ssl-check is a pure python3 way of testing ssl/https certificates

You should not need to install anything. You only need to add your list of domains to the file urls.txt The script will produce a file cert_ouput.txt with a list of certificates that have failed and the reason why they have failed.


  • python3 for ssl-check
  • for aws_get_domains.py,
pip install -r requirements.txt

Usage instructions

  1. You will need an input file, by default the script reads demo.txt.
  2. Edit demo.txt add your domains, one domain per line.
  3. Run ssl_check_basic.py from your terminal like this python ssl_check_basic.py
  4. Your result should live in a cert_ouput.txt file in CSV format

Example ouput

CSVs !!!

www.google.co.uk,2018-12-18,less than 63 days left,2018-10-15
www.google.fr,2018-12-18,less than 63 days left,2018-10-15
www.t.co,2018-12-20,less than 65 days left,2018-10-15
www.tmall.com,2018-11-22,less than 37 days left,2018-10-15
www.google.com.br,2018-12-18,less than 63 days left,2018-10-15
www.google.it,2018-12-18,less than 63 days left,2018-10-15
www.google.ru,2018-12-18,less than 63 days left,2018-10-15
www.google.es,2018-12-18,less than 63 days left,2018-10-15
www.gmw.cn,none,"[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: Hostname mismatch, certificate is not valid for 'www.gmw.cn'. (_ssl.c:1045)",2018-10-15
www.tumblr.com,2018-11-06,less than 21 days left,2018-10-15
www.blogspot.com,2018-12-18,less than 63 days left,2018-10-15
www.imgur.com,2019-01-09,less than 85 days left,2018-10-15

Failure tests/conditions

This is designed to firstly test for bad issuers, which will be untrusted by various operating systems and browsers. "Bad issuers"

  • "Symantec",
  • "GeoTrust",
  • "thawte",
  • "RapidSSL",
  • "VeriSign",
  • "Equifax",

Secondly I am testing for expiration date, if there are less than x days remaining, add the domain to the list of "bad" domains.



  • Try running aws_get_domains.py to produce a list of domains in your aws route53.
  • Update the default in boto3.setup_default_session(profile_name='default') to your aws profile in ~/.aws/credentials

Reasons explanation

[Errno -2] Name or service not known = no server behind the domain, we should check and maybe delete the record. could be internal only. could be whitelist/blacklist security group.
[Errno 0] Error = maybe probably no server behind the domain, we should check and maybe delete the record. could be internal only. could be whitelist/blacklist security group.
[Errno 101] Network is unreachable = maybe probably no server behind the domain, we should check and maybe delete the record. could be internal only. could be whitelist/blacklist security group.
[Errno 111] Connection refused = maybe probably no server behind the domain, we should check and maybe delete the record. could be internal only. could be whitelist/blacklist security group.
[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: Hostname mismatch, certificate is not valid for 'test.google.com'. (_ssl.c:1045) = your certificate is NOT VALID, change it !
[SSL: SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE] sslv3 alert handshake failure (_ssl.c:1045) = your certificate is NOT VALID, change it !
issuer = the issuer is one of the "bad" issuers ("Symantec", "GeoTrust", "thawte", "RapidSSL", "VeriSign", "Equifax").
less than 83 days left = your certificate is VALID, but it will stop working after 83 days.
timed out = maybe probably no server behind the domain, we should check and maybe delete the record. could be internal only. could be whitelist/blacklist security group.