
Support for rendering a Blazor Component to a verified file via bunit or raw Blazor rendering.

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Support for rendering a Blazor Component to a verified file via bunit or via raw Blazor rendering.

See Milestones for release notes.


The below samples use the following Component:


@code {
    public string Title { get; set; } = "My Test Component";

    public Person Person { get; set; }

    public bool Intitialized;

    protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
        Intitialized = true;
        return Task.CompletedTask;


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Verify.Blazor uses the Blazor APIs to take a snapshot (metadata and html) of the current state of a Blazor component. It has fewer dependencies and is a simpler API than Verify.Bunit approach, however it does not provide many of the other features, for example trigger event handlers.

NuGet package


Render using ParameterView

This test:

public Task PassingParameters()
    var parameters = ParameterView.FromDictionary(
        new Dictionary<string, object?>
            { "Title", "The Title" },
            { "Person", new Person { Name = "Sam" } }

    var target = Render.Component<TestComponent>(parameters: parameters);

    return Verify(target);

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Render using template instance

This test:

public Task PassingTemplateInstance()
    var template = new TestComponent
        Title = "The Title",
        Person = new()
            Name = "Sam"

    var target = Render.Component(template: template);

    return Verify(target);

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Both will produce:

The component rendered as html ...verified.html:

  <h1>The Title</h1>

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And the current model rendered as txt ...verified.txt:

  Instance: {
    Intitialized: true,
    Title: The Title,
    Person: {
      Name: Sam

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Verify.Bunit uses the bUnit APIs to take a snapshot (metadata and html) of the current state of a Blazor component. Since it leverages the bUnit API, snapshots can be on a component that has been manipulated using the full bUnit feature set, for example trigger event handlers.

NuGet package


Enable at startup:

public static void Initialize() =>

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This test:

public Task Component()
    using var testContext = new TestContext();
    var component = testContext.RenderComponent<TestComponent>(
        builder =>
            builder.Add(_ => _.Title, "New Title");
            builder.Add(_ => _.Person, new()
                Name = "Sam"
    return Verify(component);

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Will produce:

The component rendered as html ...Component.verified.html:

<div><h1>New Title</h1>

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And the current model rendered as txt ...Component.verified.txt:

  Instance: {
    Intitialized: true,
    Title: New Title,
    Person: {
      Name: Sam
  NodeCount: 4

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Integrity check

In Blazor an integrity check is applied to the dotnet.*.js file.

<script src="_framework/dotnet.5.0.2.js" defer="" integrity="sha256-AQfZ6sKmq4EzOxN3pymKJ1nlGQaneN66/2mcbArnIJ8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

This line will change when the dotnet SDK is updated.

Pretty print

For readability it is useful to pretty print html using Verify.AngleSharp.

Noise in rendered template

Blazor uses <!--!--> to delineate components in the resulting html. Some empty lines can be rendered when components are stitched together.

Resulting scrubbing

// remove some noise from the html snapshot
VerifierSettings.ScrubLinesWithReplace(s =>
    var scrubbed = s.Replace("<!--!-->", "");
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scrubbed))
        return null;

    return scrubbed;
VerifierSettings.ScrubLinesContaining("<script src=\"_framework/dotnet.");

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Helmet designed by Leonidas Ikonomou from The Noun Project.