
Zero-Resource Speech Discovery, Search, and Evaluation Tools

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

ZRTools: Zero-Resource Speech Discovery, Search and Evaluation Toolkit


  • Aren Jansen
  • Ben Van Durme
  • Greg Sell


Please cite the relevant reference in any publications that use these tools:

Evaluation (samediff)

  • Michael A. Carlin, Samuel Thomas, Aren Jansen, and Hynek Hermansky. Rapid Evaluation of Speech Representations for Spoken Term Discovery. Proceedings of Interspeech, 2011.

Discovery (plebdisc)

  • Aren Jansen and Benjamin Van Durme. Efficient Spoken Term Discovery Using Randomized Algorithms. Proceedings of ASRU, 2011.

Search (plebkws)

  • Aren Jansen and Benjamin Van Durme. Indexing Raw Acoustic Features for Scalable Zero Resource Search. Proceedings of Interspeech, 2012.


  1. Run "make" in the base directory. This will build all executables in the toolkit.
  2. Install dependencies (see following section for details).
  3. Edit the "config" file to be compatible with your environment.

4. If you wish to use SGE, you may also need to modify scripts/split_submit_array to work in your SGE environment.



The tools come set up to use feacalc (from ICSI's Sprachcore toolkit) for feature extraction (PLP by default). This package is no longer maintained and may be difficult to install. If you wish to use another feature extraction tool, you will need to modify scripts/generate_plp_lsh accordingly. Note that the discovery and search tools take raw 4-byte float feature files as input.


This is available from LDC.

SoX: SoundExchange

This is a standard tool available with all linux distributions.

Main Scripts

There are three driver scripts in the base directory:


Given a list of audio files (.sph or .wav), generates PLP features and corresponding LSH signatures for each, and then runs the plebdisc discovery tool on each pair of LSH files. This can either be run on the local machine or run using SGE. Usage is provided by the script if no arguments are given.


Post-processes the run_disc discovery output to generate pseudo-term clusters and bags-of-pseudoterms representations for each audio file (this is done on the local machine, no SGE). Usage is provided by the script if no arguments are given.


Run the same-different zero resource evaluation code (see Carlin et al, Interspeech 2011). Before running this, you must supply a wordlist and generate a feature file for token in the wordlist. Usage is provided by the script if no arguments are given.

Discovery Usage Example

Below is a simple example of running the discovery tool on a small subset of the DAPS corpus (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~gautham/Site/daps.html). The file list we use is given in scripts/daps.lst. After following Installation instructions, modify the daps.lst file to point the corresponding files on your system. Then run the following commands (assuming no SGE, use sge in place of nosge to use SGE):

  1. Run discovery on all pairs of files in the daps.lst input list:

    ./run_disc nosge scripts/daps.lst
  2. Run pseudoterm clustering with DTW Similarity threshold 0.88:

    ./post_disc daps 0.88
  3. Generate pseudoterm example wav files:

    ./scripts/pt_wavs daps

The second post_disc argument is the match DTW similarity threshold; for the 39D PLP features we are using, a threshold of 0.88 will generally allow some cross-speaker matches (increasing it to 0.9 or higher will limit to mostly within-speaker matches but will let through less false alarms). If you change the front end, all bets are off as to what this threshold means.

The discovery outputs will end up in $EXPDIR/daps/results/, and includes the following files:

  • master_graph.nodes: Pseudoterm tokens, one per line; the first three columns specify the input file, start frame, and end frame (frames = seconds*100)
  • master_graph.dedups: Pseudoterm cluster definition, one line per cluster, each consisting of a list of node IDs that corresponds to the line number in the .nodes file
  • master_graph.feats: Bags-of-pseudoterms sparse vector definition (SVMLight format), one line per input file. The feature-id is the pseudoterm ID that corresponds to the line number of the .dedups file.

The pseudoterm wav files will end up in $EXPDIR/daps/tmpwav (one .wav for each pseudoterm consisting of 10 random snippets from the cluster).

Executable Summary


  • build_index: generate a RAILS index for a collection of feature files
  • genproj: generate LSH project matrix
  • lsh: extract LSH signatures from a feature file
  • plebdisc: discovery repetitions between a pair of feature files
  • plebkws: query-by-example keyword search using a RAILS index
  • rescore_singlepair_dtw: rescore matches to use exact DTW similarity computed from specified feature files (useful for replacing LSH-approx sims or using different features for rescoring).
  • standfeat: apply per-dimension mean-variance normalization to a feature file (optionally only computing normalization stats in speech regions)


  • compute_distrib: compute the similarity score distributions and generate performance metrics
  • wordsim: compute all pairs of DTW similarities between pairs of word examples


  • genproj: same as plebdisc version
  • lsh: improved over plebdisc version, now takes arbitrary signature length that is multiple of 8
  • srailsdisc: S-RAILS based discovery code, not published, not documented, not fully tested, and not supported