
AI based evolution simulation

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


AI based evolution simulation


  • Go
  • Node
  • Gulp (npm install -g gulp)

Run npm install inside the node_modules directory.


Running ./build_all.sh from the root of the project will build everything.


From the client directory, run gulp. Alternatively, gulp watch will watch for changes to the source and rebuild automatically.


From the server directory, run go build.


To run the outgain server, run the following from the root of the project :


This will listen on port 8080 by default, use the PORT environment variable to override.

It will serve the files for the client from the client/dist directory.


Pushing to master or merging a pull request into it will build both the server and the client on Circle CI. If the build is succesful, it will be deployed automatically to Heroku.

Only the files needed to run the server are pushed to Heroku. Check the build_slug.sh if you need to add some files.

Manual deployment

Unless you have a good reason to, you shouldn't do this, but rely on the CI to deploy automatically.

./build_slug.sh app
tar czvf slug.tgz ./app
HEROKU_OAUTH_TOKEN="<CHANGEME>" ./deploy.rb outgain slug.tgz


Diamond by iconsphere from the Noun Project