
MacOps - macOS automate, control apps, system. AppleScript, JavaScript for automation, shell scripts. Script Editor on Mac.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Backup data from major macOS Applications.


Sometimes application state can be broken, so we need a way to restore it, especially when macOS cannot do it (after update).

Run these scripts before close App, reboot, upgrade macOS.


git clone https://github.com/ego/MacOps.git


Partial backups

cd MacOps/


Note: Sublime tabs should be run manually


Backup location user HOME directory with nested structure by apps

~/Workspaces/Homebrew/$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H')
~/Workspaces/iTerm2/Tabs/$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H').txt
# and so on ..

Full copy of Applications folders


Partial features:

  • Homebrew save Brewfile and brew --list commands


  • iTerm2 save open current Tabs


  • Safari save open current Tabs


  • Finder save open current Tabs


  • Sublime save files history


  • Sublime save open current Tabs

Open Sublime and go to View/Show Console

and paste content from


Restore Safari Tabs


Safari Bookmarks and History Analytics


  • Compare Bookmarks.plist with History.db:

add_bookmarks_to_history.py plus Query.sql

  • Save last session plist to csv file


  • Save Safari history to HTML files

TODO: save_history_to_html.py


AppleScript and JavaScript for Automation (JXA). Python and Bash for scripting.

Use Script Editor on Mac

open osascript/Debug.scpt

Print logs or alert pop-ups:

console.log("") and app.displayDialog("")

var app = Application.currentApplication()
app.includeStandardAdditions = true

var array = ["Sal", "Ben", "David", "Chris"]
var arrayLength = array.length

for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
    var currentArrayItem = array[i]
    // Process the current array item
    app.displayDialog(`${currentArrayItem} is item ${i + 1} in the array.`)

Mac Automation Scripting Guide


Closing lots of Safari tabs with JXA

JavaScript for Automation

Apple JavaScript for Automation

Introduction to AppleScript Language Guide

PyXA appscript py-appscript pyobjc

ls operation not permitted

Profiles - Where Firefox stores your bookmarks, passwords and other user data

Notes.app - how to access history