
Primary LanguageHTML


This portfolio was created to enable submission of the individual task for StartNG Internship Programme. This task involves updating my cv with html/css with a contact form

Name: Ego Ugwu

Department: Digital Marketing / Content

Supervised Team Tokyo digital marketers, wrote, collated, reviewed/edited contents for the task. Worked on the code for Contact Us page.

MORE DETAILS: Link to Resume/Contact Form: https://egocious.github.io/egougwu/

Link to Cloudinary picture: https://res.cloudinary.com/partypack/image/upload/ar_1:1,b_rgb:ffffff,bo_5px_solid_rgb:e9f074,c_fill,g_auto,r_max,w_400/v1567539703/egougwu_ugqftf.jpg

Link to merge pull request: https://github.com/egocious/StartNGTasks/commit/fe82fd0337731017ac305d5db753364f7c74aaea