
ReactJS ARIA tooltip

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple ReactJS component that adds the appropriate role, identification structure, and aria-hidden attribute for a tooltip.

This component leverages a style library called Styled Components to create and manage the visual approach.


To download or install react-aria-tooltip use your package manager of choice by running one of the following commands.

Via yarn

yarn install react-aria-tooltip

Via npm

npm install react-aria-tooltip


import ReactARIAToolTip from "react-aria-tooltip";

return (
  <ReactARIAToolTip message="Your custom message">
    <SomeTagOrComponent>Some content</SomeTagOrComponent>


  1. message string that will display in the tooltip (required)
  2. eventType this can either be 'click' or 'hover' (default 'click')
  3. allowClickOnSelf this is only applicable to the click eventType. This value defines whether a click on the target element will also toggle the tooltip (default 'false')
  4. direction the placement of the tooltip. Can be one of four options 'top', 'bottom', 'right', 'left' (default 'top')
  5. duration this is only applicable to the click eventType. This value defines the amount of time the tooltip is present after the user clicks the target element (default 2000). If the value is 0 or false then the tooltip will persist until the user clicks outside of the bounds of any of the tooltip content and/or button.
  6. bgcolor controls the background color of the tooltip. (default '#000')

Note: Please use a color contrast checker such as http://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/ to make sure the font color, defaulted to white/#fff, works with your bgcolor value)


React aria tooltip uses Storybook to validate UI behaviors and visual the rendering states. To see and test react-aria-tooltip run yarn run storybook after installing all packages by running yarn. This should start a local service at http://localhost:6006 where you can see the available directions (top, right, bottom, left) and events (click & hover) in UI wrapper.



  message="Tooltip text"
  <span>Some text</span>

Click (auto remove with duration)

  message="Something fancy"
  <img src="../path/to/some/image" alt="" title="" />

Click (remove with clicking outside of tooltip)

  message="Something fancy"
  <img src="../path/to/some/image" alt="" title="" />


All styles are handled inline but each element contains a CSS class so you can override what's necessary to override locally. Below is the basic structure for reference:

<div class="ra-tooltip-wrapper">
  <div class="ra-tooltip">
    <div class="ra-tooltip-message">
      <p>Tooltip text</p>

MIT Licensed